Corrections Haiku

Students in two different corrections courses were asked to create a Haiku based on the course or myself. Technically, this is "pseudo-Haiku" as the only requirement was following the three line, 5-7-5 syllable pattern.



Rehabilitation/Corrections Policy Haiku


Maker of Scared Straight
Prison Tours are Very Fun
But Don't Reduce Crime!

One of my life missions is to debunk the myth that Scared Straight! programs have any positive effect on participants.
Pretty Successful
High-risk Offender Program
Multi systemic
MST is a very successful rehabilitation program.

Professor Maahs/Course Haiku

The night before class
I guess I'll check his website
Shit, a paper's due
I believe this represents the collective voice of many students.
His head is balding
Brain containing much knowledge
Hard to retain it

Giving guns to kids,
A Wisconsin man you are,
Payday bear beware.

OK, I did allow young children, under supervision, to shoot BB guns.

Jeff Maahs is a boss
He's much cooler than Rick Ross
Minus the sick beard

Who is Rick Ross?
Early in the Morn
With Coffee and Mountain Dew
We learn corrections
Walked into class
Spilled my coffee on day one
Name stuck all along
This student became known as "coffee spiller." Opening morning is a bad day to do something like that.
Oh prison tours
What would I do without thee
Get some Dairy Queen
The post-tour Dairy Queen stop was the best part of the prison tour for some students.
Poor Wisconsin man,
Packers are gonna lose the
Superbowl again
I guess I should be wary of such a warning, given that it came from a fan of a team that has lost every Super Bowl game that it played.
Professor Jeff Maahs
Wearing his sandals and socks
Cheers for the Packers
Oh, to my surprise,
A Packer fan I would find,
Laughing at my pain
That doesn't sound like something I would do...
You have a fun class,
And are sometimes quite funny
But it is just too early

Sandal Haiku

I wear socks underneath my sandals. I am convinced I am on the cutting edge of a new trend. Students (and my wife) disagree.

Dr. Maahs CANNOT
Make wearing socks with sandals
Look innovative

Prof Maahs has sick flow
Reps socks with sandals all day
Corrections Master


Professor Maahs
Wearing his sandals and socks
Cheers for the Packers